Mobile app: Samuel at the beach
Samuel at the Beach is an interactive mobile application for learning simplified sign language.
Samuel at the beach is available in three languages: French, English and Spanish. It contains an animated short film of Samuel’s adventures, songs, catalog of 100 signs and an interactive game.
Samuel at the beach app is available on App Store and on Google Play.
4 versions available
First, the original version, is our simplified sign language. This version focuses on the ease of signing and not the use of an official signed language.
The LSQ version, Quebec sign language, is based on the official signed language in Quebec.
The LSF version, French sign language, is based on the official signed language in France.
The ASL version, or American Sign Language, is based on the official signed language in the United States and in English Canada.
Menu : options selection
On the menu, you find 6 different sections: Signs, Quiz, Video, Flashcard, Store and Settings. Here is each one of them, presented, detailed and explained.
1- Signs: learning the 100 signs
In this section, you find a bank of 100 signs presented by Samuel, your avatar friend in 3D drawing. It executes your chosen sign in the language of your choice. Have fun making Samuel laugh by tickling his belly!
Selection of 100 Signs to choose from
Category: This section offers 9 categories of signs, Action, Adjective, Animals, Communication, Emotions, Environment, Family, Food and Object.
Index: The signs are listed in alphabetical order in this section:
Random: Here, you let the application randomly choose the selection of words.
Favorites: The application Samuel at the beach allows you to determine which word to learn by placing them yourself in your Favorites:
In the Category and Index sections, you can, as you wish, have more or less detail by pressing the +/- button.
How to navigate
- Choose your word from the Category, Index, Random or Favorites in the selection menu.
- Samuel makes the sign.
- To redo the sign, press the arrows in circles.
- Add the word to your favorites by pressing the star.
- Change language by pressing the bubble that indicates the current language (fr, en, es)
- To change the word, press the icon of the current word to the left.
- Use the volume of your phone to hear Samuel’s voice.
How to exit the Signs board
- Press the word Quiz to return directly to the quiz;
- Press the word Menu return to the main menu.
2- Quiz : learning evaluation
In this section, have fun with Samuel testing your knowledge, by yourself or with your friends.
Choices of signs selection
- By choosing the Random way, all 100 words are part of the quiz.
- By selecting Favorites, only the words that you have already selected in your favorites are included in the quiz.
How to navigate and play
- Choose your words, either by default, which is the Random mode, or by your Favorites by pressing the star. The Favorites option only gives you the signs that you have already added to your Favorites.
- Press Play
- Samuel then makes the sign and you must choose your answer by pressing the icon corresponding to the sign.
- If the icon map lights up green, you have found the right sign. If the chosen icon is grey, you have made a mistake.
- The Press replay option allows Samuel to repeat the same sign and allows you to select a new answer.
- There are 5 questions per quiz, and you can track your performance in the table at the top of the icons.
- At the end of the quiz, Samuel encourages you and you can start again by pressing Play.
- Use the volume of your phone to hear Samuel’s voice.
How to exit the Quiz board
- Press the word Signs to return directly to the signs;
- Press the word Menu to return to the main menu.
3- Video : Samuel’s adventure at the beach
In this section, have fun watching Samuel in a great adventure with his friends at the beach and see how simplified sign language can be used in your daily life.
Choices of video selection
- Have a sneak peak of the video by pressing Preview listed on the board.
- Look at Samuel’s episode at the beach full version by pressing Episode 1 listed on the board.
How to navigate and watch
- Press the left or right arrows to move forward or backward.
- Press the house at the bottom left to return to the main menu.
- Change the language of the video in the settings (see instruction in the Settings section).
- Use the volume of your phone to hear the sound of Samuel’s adventure at the beach video.
How to exit the Video board
Press the word Menu to return to the main menu.
4- Flashcards and Augmented Reality
In this section, you learn with Samuel by having him close to you, at home, thanks to Augmented Reality!
Choices of signs selection
- Download a free card and print it at home to test the Augmented Reality with this one sign here. Make sure to select the Free Digital Sign Card in the dropdown menu;
- Buy the cards in 1,2,3 or 4 packs of 25 sign cards each, or get the box of 100 sign cards at different points of sale or at our online store by clicking here.
How to navigate and use the Augmented Reality
- Press Flashcards in the menu
- Choose your sign card (from your flashcard pack, the box or your downloaded digital card)
- Turn the card to the side of the icon
- Aim the card with your phone’s camera
- Put the card in the center of the rectangle that appears on your phone screen
- Samuel then appears in your home!
- Press the triangle so that Samuel makes the sign
- Switch cards to see another sign
- Option 1: enlarge Samuel with the green circle at the bottom by pushing him to the right
- Option 2: press on the round face at the top left to see Samuel up front
- Use the volume of your phone to hear Samuel’s voice
How to exit the Flashcards board
Press the word Menu to return to the main menu.
5- Shop for in app-purchases
The Samuel at the beach app comes preloaded with 5 free signs. Looking for more words? You can customize the app with more signs and different languages.
How to navigate
- There is parental control (mathematical question) before accessing the options .
- The description of each option is visible when pressed.
Available in-app purchases options
- Application (Samuel at the beach includes 25 theme words with a language)
- Catalogue (75 basic words)
- Language (French, English and Spanish)
- Combo 1 (application + one additional language)
- Combo 2 (application + two additional languages)
- Combo 3 (application + 75 basic words)
- Combo 4 (application + 75 basic words + one additional language)
- Combo 5 (application + 75 basic words + two additional languages)
How to exit the Shop board
Press the word Menu to return to the main menu.
6- Settings: how to change them
In this section, you can change several application settings.
Settings options
- Choose the language of the application (if you have purchased this option) by pressing the bubble (fr) (en) or (es).
- Music: allows you to lower or increase the application’s background music.
- You can authorize notifications by checking the box to receive update notices or other information about the application.
- Evaluate the application: this section is for you rate the application.
- The terms of use: here you find in detail all the conditions you agree to when using Samuel at the beach mobile application.
- The credits: you find here the list of people who created this application.
How to exit the Settings board
Press the word Menu to return to the main menu.