Learn with Samuel, your best learning buddy!

Samuel teaches simplified sign language in 3 languages to babies ,toddlers and children so we can communicate with them even before they can speak.

LSQ, LSF and ASL versions of our digital cards  available!


Samuel Signs at the beach app  available in 4 versions:


LSQ, Quebec sign language
LSF, French sign language
ASL, American sign language
Original version, Simplified sign language

samuel-signs-sign-baby-educational-game-signs-language--logo application mobile en  samuel signs-sign baby-educational game-signs language -seasign-logo augmented reality

samuel-signs-sign-baby-educational-game-signs-language-seasign-App Store Badge-US-300x101 

Samuel Signs

Follow Samuel’s adventures at the beach and learn simplified sign language using a mobile app that includes video, songs and augmented reality. You thus enter the world of Samuel to play and learn with him.

Playing cards are also available in boxes of 25 cards, in a box also in a digital version.

Guaranteed entertainment for all family!

What sets us apart from other approaches available on the market are the following:

For the application :


Samuel’s avatar becomes a virtual teacher, your friends and learning companion

A world in 3D

An interactive game

A video of Samuel’s adventure

Animated songs

App available on App Store and Google Play

For the application as well as the cards, in package, in box or virtual:


Quality visual content

Facilitator between educator, parent and child

Learning in 3 languages

The technology of Augmented Reality

No need for training

    Samuel, your best learning buddy!

    Events we will be present at:


    Coming soon

    Previous events we were present at:

    Salon Parents Enfants La Relève - Virtual event

    Salon Parents Enfants La Relève

    April 28th to May 2nd, 2020

    Parents and Kids Fair - educational games - Samuel Signs


    Parents and Kids Fair – Quebec

    April 2-3-4, 2020

    Parents and Kids Fair - educational games - Samuel Signs


    Parents and Kids Fair – Montreal

    April 23-24-25, 2020

    Conference: Initiation au langage des signes par Eugénie Miron de Samuel Signes
    December 3rd, 2019

    Association des Orthopédagogues du Québec - 30e Colloque et Symposium - Samuel Signes

    30e Colloque et Symposium de L’Association des Orthopédagogues du Québec
    November 7th, 2019

    Mieux comprendre la diversité - langage des signes simplifiés - Samuel Signes

    Mieux comprendre la diversité
    November 8th and 10th, 2019

    Boutique Imaginaire - coffret Samuel Signes - langage des signes simplifiés

    Journée des créateurs de jeux québécois
    October 5th, 2019

    Salon LAMATERnité - jeux éducatifs - Samuel Signes

    Salon LAMATERnité
    October 5th, 2019

    Uniatox: Annual fundraising campaign
    September 29th, 2019

    La Foire de Jacynthe - August 25, 2019 - Samuel Signs

    La Foire de Jacynthe
    August 25th, 2019

    Conférence TRUCS & ASTUCES pour stimuler le langage - Rimes et Rimettes - Organisé par Académie La Passerelle - Centre pédagogique - Samuel Signes

    Conference: TRUCS & ASTUCES pour stimuler le langage au quotidien

    June 4th, 2019

    Salon Marmaille et famille - événement 2019 - Samuel Signes

    Salon Marmaille & famille
    May 4-5, 2019

    Association des cadres CPE - Congrès 2019 - Samuel Signes

    Congrès de l’Association des cadres des CPE 2019
    May 2-3, 2019

    Salon de la neurodiversité 2019 - Samuel Signs

    La neurodiversité: Salon 2019
    April 28th, 2019

    Conférence annuelle 2019 - Association des orthophonistes et audiologistes - Samuel Signes

    Conférence annuelle 2019
    April 26th, 2019

    Parents and Kids fair
    April 5-6-7, 2019

    Foire de Jacynthe - 25 et 26 août 2018 - Samuel Signes

    Foire de Jacynthe
    August 25-26, 2018 

    The benefits of sign language 

    Sign language has long been studied and recognised for its benefits with children:

    • Helps babies to express their needs, reducing their frustration and temper tantrums, making them happier
    • Makes a stronger and unique bond between the parents and their baby
    • Develops a better self confidence
    • Earlier intellectual and emotional development
    • Increases children’s language development speed, their vocabulary and expressions
    • Encourages interest in reading books

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